Worship Times
Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World.
Our mission statement says what we want to accomplish. Byers Avenue UMC seeks ways to enrich our relationship with Christ through worship, small group experiences, and service opportunities. We also look for ways to reach out and share the love of Christ to others.
Byers Avenue has several regularly scheduled worship times every Sunday for you to participate in. It's eclectic, powerful, praise to our God with some great music and the Word.
We'd love to have you join us.
9:30 AM | Small Group Time with classes for all ages |
10:45 AM | Morning Worship - with Children's Church and nursery provided |
There are lots of ongoing activities for all ages during the week. These fellowship opportunities give you opportunity to grow personally and in your Christian walk.
If you are unable to join us in person, check out our YouTube channel or our Facebook page and worship with us from home.